Modern Buddhism for Everyone

Featured Events

What we offer

We offer something for everyone - weekly drop-in classes, workshops, retreats and much more.

Weekly Classes

Courses & Workshops

Special Courses
Visiting Teachers
Special Events

In-depth Meditation Retreats

Beginners’ Meditation Retreats

Classes at Other Locations

New to meditation?

The purpose of meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful so that we can find real happiness and relief from worries, unhappy feelings and mental discomfort. Everyone can meditate if they wish. No prior experience is needed to meditate.

Inner Peace & Happiness
The teachings of Buddha

We generally believe that external conditions such as food, friends, cars, and money are the real causes of happiness, and, as a result, we devote nearly all our time and energy to acquiring them.

Buddha explained that, in reality, happiness arises from peaceful and positive states of mind, whereas problems and suffering arise from confused and negative states of mind. He taught methods for gradually overcoming negative minds and developing positive minds instead. Through these teachings, many people came to experience lasting inner peace and real happiness.

I've been to five workshops at this centre over the last year and it's completely revolutionized my meditation practice. I'm super grateful to have stumbled across them and recommend them every chance I get. Thanks!

— Andrew

Every time I join a workshop, I go home with valuable lessons that I can live by in daily life. The teachings are logical and cleaned my negativity significantly.

— Sara

I apply many of the teachings in everything I do in my daily life and I can say I am a much happier person and lead a much lighter life. This is my personal experience. I hope that if you get a chance to try them out they’ll be helpful in some way to you as well.

— Bianca

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