Classes in various locations
- an overview

Meditation For Everyone
The Art of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a skill that everyone can learn and develop. By using simple, time-tested meditation techniques, we can learn to think and act positively in our daily lives. Maintaining a positive outlook builds inner resilience and strength, protecting us from the stressful demands of everyday life. 

Each class is self-contained so feel free to drop-in when you can!

Everybody welcome!

I've been to five workshops at this centre over the last year and it's completely revolutionized my meditation practice. I'm super grateful to have stumbled across them and recommend them every chance I get. Thanks!

— Andrew

Every time I join a workshop, I go home with valuable lessons that I can live by in daily life. The teachings are logical and cleaned my negativity significantly.

— Sara

I apply many of the teachings in everything I do in my daily life and I can say I am a much happier person and lead a much lighter life. This is my personal experience. I hope that if you get a chance to try them out they’ll be helpful in some way to you as well.

— Bianca