Beginners’ Meditation Retreats
Also suitable for those with experience
Give yourself a break: From time to time, we all need peace and quiet. It allows us to gather our thoughts and emotions, and put things in perspective. Be guided through simple meditations that calm the mind, creating inner peace and clarity.
Free your mind - Live in the moment: Life can be hectic and overwhelming. We can find that we are spending most of our time worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. In this retreat, be guided through simple meditations that bring relief to our overactive minds and help us live in the moment.
Quiet your mind - Find stillness within: When the turbulence of distracting thoughts subsides and the mind becomes still, a deep happiness and sense of contentment naturally arise from within. In this retreat, be guided on a voyage of exploration of your mind through which you can discover your own potential for inner peace.

Overcome your usual mental busyness and develop a calm, relaxed mind.
Overcome anxiety
Improve your sense of well-being & experience real happiness.
Find real happiness
Develop a clear, lucid, stable & spacious mind and think more clearly.
Develop a clear mind

I've been to five workshops at this centre over the last year and it's completely revolutionized my meditation practice. I'm super grateful to have stumbled across them and recommend them every chance I get. Thanks!
— Andrew
Every time I join a workshop, I go home with valuable lessons that I can live by in daily life. The teachings are logical and cleaned my negativity significantly.
— Sara
I apply many of the teachings in everything I do in my daily life and I can say I am a much happier person and lead a much lighter life. This is my personal experience. I hope that if you get a chance to try them out they’ll be helpful in some way to you as well.
— Bianca