The Foundation Program

The purpose of the Foundation Program (FP) is to provide a systematic presentation of particular subjects of Mahayana Buddhism to enable practitioners to deepen their knowledge and experience of Buddhism.

Next term’s book:

Attend two taster sessions before committing to the program!

Monday April 7th, 7-9pm

(Sign up for the taster sessions by filling the form down below or directly to

This book offers us deep insight into our mind, and shows how an understanding of its nature and functions can be used practically in every day experience to improve our lives.

More about the book here

Five Subjects

The program comprises the following five subjects, based on Buddha’s Sutra teachings and the corresponding commentaries by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche:

Benefits of the program

The benefits of studying and practicing these texts are as follows:

For an extensive explanation of the benefits of the Foundation Program and the Teacher Training Programs, you can read the transcript of a talk by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

Program Structure

The secret of the Foundation Program’s success lies in the manageable commitment made by the student and in the clear structure of study. Students agree to attend every class, learn the material, and to take a test at the conclusion of each book.

Class Structure

Prior to class, students study an assigned portion of the text, usually a few pages, and memorize the essential points. The class begins with chanted prayers and guided meditation. The teacher then reads the assigned selection from the book while giving commentary to the text. The students then divide into pairs to discuss the material. The teacher and students conclude by deciding what to meditate on in the next class and how to practice during the coming week, followed by dedication prayers.

The Teacher

Gen Kelsang Chodor

Gen Kelsang Chodor is our Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Centre Canada. He has been ordained and has studied under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for more than twenty-three years.

He has taught extensively in both the UK and the US, and is now teaching in Canada. He is admired by students because of his practical knowledge, warm presentations and authentic teachings, as well as his natural joy and sense of humour. He is skilled at putting everyone at ease and helping them solve their problems and anxieties with practical Dharma advice.

At Kadampa Meditation Centre Canada, he usually teaches the Sunday morning class, the Tuesday evening class, the Wednesday morning class, as well as special events, courses and workshops and two in-depth study programmes; the Foundation Programme and the Teacher Training Programme.

Whether to sign up for the taster classes or for any other specific question let us know here!

If we just dabble superficially in a spiritual path we will never gain a deep and stable experience, and our wisdom will never develop to its full potential. This is why these spiritual programs are so important.

— Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

Coming to Foundation Program at Kadampa Meditation Centre Canada has improved my knowledge on how to make myself happy, and also others!

— Maria

Joining a study program at Kadampa Meditation Centre Canada has been one of the best decision in my life so far.

— Alex

Joining the Foundation Program has helped me to understand that I can have control over my mind and how I interact with the world.

— Cathy