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Great Treasury of Merit

Great Treasury of Merit

Annual Guru Yoga & Mandala Offerings Retreat
with Gen Kelsang Thekchen & others

For those who wish for a deep inner transformation, this annual meditation retreat offers an opportunity to familiarize ourselves with two in-depth Buddhist practices: Guru Yoga and Mandala Offerings. Both practices are powerful ways to fill our mind with merit, or good fortune, and to receive profound and transformative blessings. They are indispensable for those who are serious about attaining authentic spiritual realizations, in particular the state of full enlightenment.

The practice of Guru Yoga is a special way of relying upon our Spiritual Guide with faith and correct imagination, in order to receive his or her blessings.  The practice of Mandala Offerings is an offering of the entire universe visualized as a Pure Land, with all its inhabitants as pure beings.

Even though this retreat is part of the commitments of the Teacher Training Programme, it is suitable for everyone.  Each session will emphasize a different aspect of these two practices, using clear instructions from the book, Great Teasury of Merit, by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Although each session will build up on the previous one, they are all self-contained and can be attended individually.

The first session every day will be guided by our Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Thekchen. All other sessions will be guided by Teachers currently studying on the Teacher Training Programme (TTP) at KMC Canada.  Everyone is welcome!

** Accommodation is available for this event. Please visit the Accommodation page for more information and to submit a request. **

April 30

Prayers for World Peace

May 1

Foundation Programme