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How to Live a Spiritual Life (Retreat)

How to Live a Spiritual Life
Following the Buddhist Path

Annual Refuge Retreat
with Gen Kelsang Thekchen & others

During this retreat, we will spend time developing the beautiful mind of refuge, our actual protection from pain and problems. Through the practice of going for refuge, we gradually build a stable peace, joy and freedom within our own heart, giving us the confidence and strength to make authentic spiritual progress that we can then share with others.

We attain permanent freedom from suffering by sincerely relying upon the Three Jewels: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Dharma is like medicine that protects us from the sufferings caused by our delusions. Buddha is the doctor who gives us this medicine, and the Sangha are the nurses who assist us. Understanding this, we go for refuge to Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

Even though this retreat is part of the commitments of the Teacher Training Programme, it is suitable for everyone.  Each session will emphasize a different aspect of the practice of going for Refuge, using clear instructions from books written by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, such as, Joyful Path of Good Fortune. Although each session will build up on the previous one, they are all self-contained and can be attended individually.

Both afternoon sessions on Sunday, and the first session on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings will be guided by our Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Thekchen. All other sessions will be guided by Teachers currently studying on the Teacher Training Programme (TTP) at KMC Canada. Everyone is welcome!

** Accommodation is available for this event. Please visit the Accommodation page for more information and to submit a request. **

June 25

Offering to the Spiritual Guide Prayers

June 26

Heart Jewel Prayers