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January Retreat Week 2 - Clarity of Mind: Mahamudra Retreat

January Retreat - Week 2

Clarity of Mind: Mahamudra Retreat

Friday January 10 - Wednesday January 15
Individual days can be attended

Join us for a transformative meditation retreat!

The theme of this special retreat is meditating on the clarity of our mind through 'Mahamudra meditation.' By focusing on the peaceful nature of our mind, we can learn to dissolve negative thoughts and uncover a boundless source of inner happiness.

*You could consider instead a stand-alone Day-retreat on Saturday Jan 11

During a meditation retreat, we reduce our usual daily activities and focus for a period of time on cultivating peaceful minds and positive qualities such as love, compassion, and wisdom, ultimately finding happiness from within.

These retreats attract people from all walks of life. They are ideal for those looking to escape the busyness of daily life and recharge mentally and spiritually.

The retreat sessions include practical instructions, guided meditations, and Q&A time. Between sessions, there is time to relax, rest, and connect with like-minded individuals in our café area. The peaceful surroundings of Kadampa Meditation Center Canada provide the perfect environment for creating a sense of calm within the mind.

January 9

Drop-in Class @ KMCC~ Meditation Basics

January 11

DAY RETREAT- Clarity of Mind: Mahamudra Retreat