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Drop-in Class ~ Meditation: Unlock the Power of Your Mind


Unlock the Power of Your Mind

8-Week Series of Wednesday Morning Classes with Gen Kelsang Chodor

In this series of meditation classes, we will gain profound insights into the inner workings of our mind, cultivating a greater sense of positivity, joy, and mental strength in our daily lives. Drawing inspiration from the wisdom of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche's book, How To Understand The Mind, the teachings will be practical, promoting both personal happiness and spiritual growth.

Each class is self-contained so feel free to drop-in when you can!  Each class will be followed by complimentary refreshments and the opportunity to ask questions. Everybody welcome!

Week 1 ~ Sept. 6: What is the mind?

Week 2 ~ Sept. 13: Staying positive using mantra meditation

Week 3 ~ Sept. 20: Discovering new depths of inner peace

Week 4 ~ Sept. 27: Developing positive feelings

(No Class on Oct. 4 and Oct. 11: NKT-IKBU Fall Festival)

Week 5 ~ Oct. 18: Keeping a healthy perspective

Week 6 ~ Oct. 25: Setting a new direction

Week 7 ~ Nov. 1: Focus on what makes you happy

Week 8 ~ Nov. 8: The keys to successful meditation

October 31

Drop-in Class ~ Meditation: Unlock the Power of Your Mind

November 1

Heart Jewel Prayers