Ontario Dharma Celebration 2024
Ontario Dharma Celebration 2024
The Source of Happiness and Goodness
Buddha Shakyamuni empowerment with commentary to Liberating Prayer
~ with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa
Friday Nov 29 - Sunday Dec 1
For Buddhists, faith in Buddha Shakyamuni is their spiritual life. To help us to develop and maintain strong faith in Buddha, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche composed the beautiful praise to Buddha Shakyamuni called Liberating Prayer. Understanding and contemplating its meaning is the best method to develop faith in Buddha and his teachings, which is the root of all Dharma realizations.
During the Celebration, Gen-la will grant the empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni and give teachings on Liberating Prayer.
Everybody welcome!

International Fall Festival 2024
The Gateway to Highest Yoga Tantra
International Fall Festival ~ Oct 25 - Nov 1, 2024
Highest Yoga Tantra Empowerments of Heruka & Vajrayogini & Commentary with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, NKT-IKBU General Spiritual Director
As Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche explains in Modern Buddhism, the gateway through which we enter Tantra is receiving a Tantric empowerment. This bestows upon us special blessings that heal our mental continuum and awaken our Buddha nature. In this Festival Gen-la Dekyong will grant the empowerments of the principal Deities of Highest Yoga Tantra – Heruka and Vajrayogini – and introduce their essential practices.
This is a rare and wonderful opportunity to receive from Gen-la Dekyong the Highest Yoga Tantra empowerments and teachings of Heruka and Vajrayogini according to the Ganden oral lineage, which is the special heart treasure of her Spiritual Guide, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

International Summer Festival 2024
Profound Teachings from Buddha's Heart
International Summer Festival
July 26 - August 10, 2024
Prajnaparamita Empowerment & Teachings on the Heart Sutra, Commentary to Blissful Path & The Uncommon Yoga of Inconceivability ~ with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, NKT-IKBU General Spiritual Director & Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, NKT-IKBU Deputy Spiritual Director
(Portugal Festival 2013 Revisited)
In October 2013 Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche gave his last public teachings in Portugal. During these teachings, Geshe-la granted the empowerment of Great Mother Prajnaparamita, taught the Essence of Wisdom Sutra (Heart Sutra), which contains the heart essence of Buddha’s perfection of wisdom teachings, and gave commentaries to The Blissful Path, the condensed self-generation sadhana practice of Buddha Vajrayogini and to The Uncommon Yoga of Inconceivability, the special instruction of how to reach the Pure Land of Vajrayogini with our present human body.
During this Festival, these teachings will be revisited by Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong and Gen-la Kelsang Jampa. By helping us to take these teachings deep into our hearts, we can attain deep experience of them, thus transforming our lives and drawing us closer to attaining full enlightenment.

International Spring Festival 2024 - Centre Closed
Accomplishing the Great Wisdom Protection
International Spring Festival ~ May 24-29, 2024
Dorje Shugden Empowerment & Teachings on the Extensive Protector Puja ~ with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, NKT-IKBU Deputy Spiritual Director
Dorje Shugden is a Dharma Protector emanation of the Wisdom Buddha who averts obstacles to our spiritual practice and gathers necessary conditions for our attaining spiritual realizations.
During this Festival, Gen-la Kelsang Jampa will grant the Blessing Empowerment of Dorje Shugden. Then, based on instructions received from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, he will teach on the Melodious Drum practice, the ‘Fullling and Restoring Ritual’, which is usually performed monthly in Kadampa centres.

Staying Connected ~ Canadian Festival 2024
Staying Connected
Living Joyfully as Faithful Kadampa Disciples
Canadian Festival ~ March 29 - April 2, 2024
Je Tsongkhapa Empowerment with Special Teachings on How to Rely on our Root Guru, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, our Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka ~ with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, NKT-IKBU General Spiritual Director
Rester relié
Vivre dans la joie en tant que fidèles disciples Kadampa
Festival canadien ~ 29 mars - 2 avril, 2024
Transmission de bénédictions de Djé Tsongkhapa & enseignements spéciaux sur la façon de s'en remettre à notre Guide spirituel racine, Vénérable Guéshé Kelsang Gyatso Rinpotché, notre Gourou Soumati Bouddha Hérouka~avec Guèn-la Kelsang Dekyong, Directrice Spirituelle Générale de la NTK-UIBK

Guided By Love ~ Ontario Dharma Celebration
Guided By Love
Ontario Dharma Celebration 2023
Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Maitreya, the Buddha of Loving-kindness, and Teachings on the Three Aspects of Love with Gen Samten Kelsang
Love is very beneficial, even when it is mixed in our mind with desirous attachment. Love is the foundation for all harmonious, enduring relationships. If we love our friends and our family, we will be happy, even if we have little material wealth. But, without love, no amount of wealth or resources will enable us to create loving, long-lasting relationships.
This year at the Ontario Dharma Celebration, Gen Samten Kelsang will be granting the blessing empowerment of Buddha Maitreya, the Buddha of Loving-kindness and giving teachings on the Three aspects of love.
In his teachings this weekend, Gen Samten Kelsang will help us to understand the difference between love and attachment and how, with wisdom, we can develop and practise loving-kindness in all our relationships. No previous experience of meditation and Buddha’s teachings is required to attend this event. This event is open to everyone. Everybody welcome!

International Summer Festival
Kadam Lamrim of Sutra & Tantra
The Complete Path to Enlightenment
International Summer Festival with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong & Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab
The sequence of teachings at the Sumer Festival 2023 will cover all the essential practices of Kadam Lamrim of Sutra & Tantra. In the first week Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab will teach the Lamrim of Sutra which is regarded as an essential prerequisite for receiving tantric empowerments and teachings. These special teachings of Buddha were arranged by Atisha and present the essential practices of Dharma for all levels of practitioners from the initial scope to the great scope. These teachings are immensely practically and easy to apply to our modern daily life. By relying on these teachings we can guide ourself along the path to liberation from suffering and eventually to full enlightenment for the benefit of all living beings. These teachings are open to everyone regardless of previous experience.
In the second week Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong will present the essential Highest Yoga Tantra practices of the New Kadampa Tradition. She will begin by granting the empowerment of Heruka Body Mandala and Vajrayogini and then give brief essential commentaries to these practices. By engaging in these practices sincerely with a mind of faith we can swiftly overcome ordinary appearance and conception in this life and attain the highest state of all - the union of enlightenment. To receive the commentaries you must have previously received the empowerments.

Canadian Festival 2023
An Ocean of Compassion / Un océan de compassion
Canadian Festival 2023 / Festival canadien 2023
with Gen Kelsang Samten / avec Guèn Kelsang Samten
Imagine a world where everyone has a sincere desire to help and protect others from suffering. Since we all have the potential within us to develop this universal compassion, which is our Buddha seed, this goal is definitely possible. Growing our compassion and wisdom, and helping others whenever possible is the true meaning of human life.
During this unique national event, we will have the opportunity to awaken our pure Buddha nature. Gen Kelsang Samten will grant the blessing empowerment of Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of Compassion, and teach us how to become closer to this Buddha in our daily lives, so that we can eventually develop the same good qualities.
Gen Kelsang Samten will teach us how we can increase our love, compassion and bodhichitta, and, in particular, how we can take concrete actions to benefit others by practising the eleven main ways of helping others that were presented by Arya Asanga. By practising these methods, our compassion will continually grow until it becomes an ocean of compassion, the universal compassion of a fully enlightened being, a Buddha.
Imaginez un monde où chacun aurait le désir sincère d'aider et de protéger les autres de la souffrance. Puisque nous avons tous en nous le potentiel de développer cette compassion universelle, qui est notre graine de bouddha, cet objectif est tout à fait possible. Développer notre compassion et notre sagesse, et aider les autres chaque fois que c'est possible, tel est le véritable sens de la vie humaine.
Au cours de cet événement national unique, nous aurons l'occasion d’éveiller notre nature pure de bouddha. Guèn Kelsang Samten accordera la transmission de bénédictions du bouddha de la compassion, Avalokiteshvara, et nous apprendra à nous rapprocher de ce bouddha dans notre vie quotidienne, afin que nous puissions éventuellement développer les mêmes qualités.
Guèn Kelsang Samten nous enseignera comment développer notre amour, notre compassion et notre bodhichitta, et en particulier comment aider concrètement les autres en pratiquant les onze manières principales d’aider les autres, présentées par Arya Asanga. En pratiquant ces méthodes, notre compassion grandira continuellement jusqu'à devenir un océan de compassion, la compassion universelle d'un être pleinement éveillé, d'un bouddha.

International Spring Festival
The Source of Happiness & Goodness
International Spring Festival with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU
‘‘The Liberating Prayer is not an ordinary prayer – It is like a text and has profound meaning. All Lamrim teachings – renunciation, bodhichitta, and correct view of emptiness are included in this prayer. I can say very few people understand the Liberating Prayer. It definitely needs verbal commentary by a Teacher. If we understand and contemplate its meaning - it is the best method to develop faith in Buddha and his teachings, which is our spiritual life and the root of all Dharma realizations.’’ - Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
At this Festival Gen-la Dekyong will share a special transmission and blessing of the meaning of this prayer that she received directly from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. She will also bring together commentary Venerable Geshe-la has given on the meaning of different verses of this prayer over many years. There will also be an opportunity to engage in a powerful and immensely meaningful International Refuge Vow Ceremony with the worldwide Kadampa family. The Festival is open to everyone and suitable for all levels of experience.