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Fall Weekend Retreat ~ The Healing Power of Meditation
to Nov 10

Fall Weekend Retreat ~ The Healing Power of Meditation

Fall Weekend Retreat
~ The Healing Power of Meditation ~

Friday Nov 8 - Sunday Nov 10
(Partial booking of individual days available)

Our mind is our greatest healer. In this weekend retreat you can discover how to actualize your potential to overcome all mental pain, sorrow, loss, physical suffering, illness and disease through one of the most renowned ancient meditations taught by Buddha, known as “taking and giving". We will learn how to transform the simple act of breathing into a powerful healing practice that causes mental peace and happiness, improves concentration, enhances our love, compassion & wisdom and brings great meaning to our life.

The meditation retreat sessions include practical instructions, guided meditations, and optional Q & A time. Between sessions, there is time to relax, rest, and spend time with like-minded people in our cafe area. The peaceful surroundings of Kadampa Meditation Center Canada help individuals create a comfortable space within their own minds.

Whether you're a seasoned meditator or brand new to the practice, our meditation retreats welcome people from all walks of life. You don't need to be a Buddhist to join – we believe everyone can benefit from meditation and its tremendous positive effects.

KMC Canada is an Urban Kadampa Meditation Temple set in peaceful surroundings, dedicated to assisting people from all walks of life in finding inner deep peace, contentment and meaning in their lives.

The meditation sessions in this retreat will be held in the inspiring and uplifting meditation room at Kadampa Meditation Centre Canada. This meditation room is filled with a sense of serenity and positive energy and it houses a striking shrine that includes an 8ft Buddha statue. 

Since its establishment in 2005, thousands of people from both Canada and abroad have visited KMC Canada, attended courses and meditated here, contributing to the room's special atmosphere of blessings and tranquillity.


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Inner Freedom
to Aug 20

Inner Freedom

Inner Freedom

The Blissful Path of Vajrayogini ~ Post-Summer Festival Retreat with Guest Teacher Tiphaine Perrier

''When the yogini of my own mind, the union beyond intellect, the primordial state of inexpressible emptiness and clarity, the original nature free from arising, ceasing and abiding, recognizes its own entity, may I be forever nourished.''  - Quick Path to Great Bliss

In this post-festival retreat we will be guided into profound meditations on the Highest Yoga Tantra practice of Buddha Vajrayogini, Quick Path to Great Bliss, based on the instructions received in this year’s NKT-IKBU International Summer Festival.  This is a precious opportunity to immerse ourselves in these sublime and meaningful meditations. Through taking these meditations and insights deep into our heart, we can integrate them into our daily life, thereby transforming every moment of our life into the blissful path to permanent inner freedom.

Please note: This is not a drop in retreat. You must have previously received the blessing empowerments of Heruka and Vajrayogini (or have the sincere wish to receive them at the soonest opportunity) in order to engage in this retreat. For further information and to apply, please email

** Accommodation is available for this event. Please visit the Accommodation page for more information and to submit a request. **

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