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Half-day Course ~ Finding Inner Strength

Finding Inner Strength

Overcoming Procrastination & Lack of Mental Energy

Half-day Course with Gen Kelsang Chodor

“ I will conquer all obstacles and none shall conquer me, thus I who will become a conqueror, will practice with self confidence. ”  - Shantideva

Even after we’ve learned how to meditate and have developed a strong wish to practise, we frequently experience obstacles that make regular practice difficult. And, despite receiving advice on integrating Buddha’s teachings into our daily life, we still feel that we have neither the time nor the mental energy to practise. We miss a day or two, become discouraged and sometimes give up completely. Or we practise sporadically, which also impedes our spiritual growth.

Buddha described this as a form of spiritual laziness. There are three types of laziness that block our spiritual progress: the laziness of procrastination, the laziness of following distractions, and the laziness of discouragement. In this half-day course, we will look at methods to overcome these three inner obstacles and how to develop a mind of joyful effort.

*Accommodations are available for those attending this event. The rooms are in limited quantity. For further information and to submit a request, please click here.*

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