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Drop-in Class @ KMCC~ Meditation Basics

Meditation Basics

Nine-Week Primer to Your Meditation Practice

9-Week Series of Thursday Evening Classes with Kelsang Rigma

We want to be happy all the time, even during sleep. How can we do this? We can do this through training in meditation, which makes our mind peaceful. When our mind is peaceful, we are happy all the time, regardless of our external circumstances.

In these classes, discover simple yet profound meditations that can be practised by anyone, helping us experience inner peace, mental clarity, and increasing our love and compassion for others. These classes are perfect for those who wish to build the foundations of a successful meditation practice. No previous experience is required.

Each class is self-contained so feel free to drop-in when you can!  Each class will be followed by complimentary refreshments and the opportunity to ask questions. Everybody welcome!

Week 1 ~ Sept 12: Inner Peace

Week 2 ~ Sept 19: Pure Light

Week 3 ~ Sept 26: Inspiration

Week 4 ~ Oct 3: Body of Light

Week 5 ~ Oct 10: Clarity

Week 6 ~ Oct 17: The Root Mind

Week 7 ~ Oct 24: Cherishing Others

Oct 31 ~ No class due to Fall Festival held in Brazil

Week 8 ~ Nov 7: Taking Away Suffering

Week 9 ~ Nov 14: Giving Happiness


September 12

Wishfulfilling Jewel Prayers with Tsog

September 15

Sunday Drop-in Class ~ - Mastering Positive Habits of Mind