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Half-day Retreat ~ Declutter the Mind

Declutter the Mind

Half-day Retreat with Jay Roberts

Create inner space, free from distractions

Sometimes, we feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities, decisions, and choices we face in our day-to-day lives. Difficult people and challenging situations can take up a lot of mental space, making it hard to think clearly, act wisely, and live in the moment.

By training in meditation, we can create inner space and clarity that enable us to control our minds, regardless of external circumstances. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? In this course, we will explore how to use meditation to access the natural spaciousness and peace of our own minds.

"When the turbulence of distracting thoughts subsides and our mind becomes still, a deep happiness and contentment naturally arise from within. This feeling of contentment and well-being helps us to cope with the busyness and difficulties of daily life." — Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, The Meditation Handbook


April 10

Thursday Drop-in Meditation Class @ KMCC

April 12

Wishfulfilling Jewel Prayers with Tsog