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Filtering by: “Buddha's Teachings for Beginners”
Half-day Retreat ~ Declutter the Mind

Half-day Retreat ~ Declutter the Mind

Declutter the Mind

Half-day Retreat with Jay Roberts

Create inner space, free from distractions

Sometimes, we feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities, decisions, and choices we face in our day-to-day lives. Difficult people and challenging situations can take up a lot of mental space, making it hard to think clearly, act wisely, and live in the moment.

By training in meditation, we can create inner space and clarity that enable us to control our minds, regardless of external circumstances. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? In this course, we will explore how to use meditation to access the natural spaciousness and peace of our own minds.

"When the turbulence of distracting thoughts subsides and our mind becomes still, a deep happiness and contentment naturally arise from within. This feeling of contentment and well-being helps us to cope with the busyness and difficulties of daily life." — Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, The Meditation Handbook


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Half-day course ~Learn how to Meditate

Half-day course ~Learn how to Meditate

Learn how to Meditate
Developing the meditative habit

Half-day course
with Maria Gonzalez-Castaneda & Rocio Jurado


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Half-day course ~ Karma & the Key to Happiness

Half-day course ~ Karma & the Key to Happiness

Karma & the Key to Happiness

Creating a future of happiness

Half-day course with Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Chodor

When we find ourselves immersed in problems, we often ask: Why me? But do we have an answer to that question? Do we feel unlucky? Do we feel that we’ve been dealt an unfair hand?

Buddha’s teachings on the law of karma give us a clear and practical explanation of why things happen the way they do and how we can begin to change our experiences—from not so great to fantastic. Or at the very least, better. Rather than simply seeking happiness, we learn to create it. Rather than running from unhappiness, we learn to abandon its causes. Understanding karma puts us in the driver’s seat of our own life.

In this course, we will learn how, by applying the law of karma, we can change our experience of the present, heal the past, and create a more fortunate future.


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Half-day course ~ Self-acceptance & Self-confidence

Half-day course ~ Self-acceptance & Self-confidence

Self-acceptance & Self-confidence

Half-day course

Developing authentic self-confidence

More info to come.


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Half-day course ~ A Toolkit for Daily Happiness

Half-day course ~ A Toolkit for Daily Happiness

A Toolkit for Daily Happiness

Half-day course

How to dissolve negative thoughts

More info to come.

Booking to come

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Half-day course ~Finding Stillness in a Busy World

Half-day course ~Finding Stillness in a Busy World

Finding Stillness in a Busy World

Half-day course

Learn practical meditation techniques

More info to come.

Booking to come

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Half-day course ~ Love without pain

Half-day course ~ Love without pain

Love without pain

Understanding love, desire & attachment
Half-day course with Kelsang Rigma

We often confuse love with desirous attachment. As a result, we often experience pain and disappointment within our so-called ‘loving’ relationships. But authentic love can never cause pain. It only ever produces happiness. Why? Because true love actually arises from a profound understanding of our interdependence and interconnection with everyone. This understanding liberates us from our painful self-centered grasping attachments. And it opens us to an expansive empathy and love that brings joy, harmony and purpose into our lives.


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Half-day course ~ Beginners Guide To Meditation

Half-day course ~ Beginners Guide To Meditation

Beginners Guide To Meditation

Half-day course with Pauline Chua

The purpose of meditation is to calm and quiet the mind, helping us to let go of mental discomfort, worries, or anxiety. Through a daily meditation practice, we can become deeply familiar with peaceful and positive states of mind that lead to genuine happiness.

Whether you're considering trying meditation for the first time or looking to refresh your practice, join us for a half-day session. You'll learn simple yet essential techniques to make your meditation practice successful and achieve the results you’re looking for.

This course takes place in the serene, spacious, and comfortable meditation room at Kadampa Meditation Centre Canada. Between sessions, enjoy complimentary refreshments and the opportunity to ask questions.

No previous meditation experience is needed. Everyone is welcome!


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Day course ~ How To Help The Dying and Those Who Have Died (Powa Practice)

Day course ~ How To Help The Dying and Those Who Have Died (Powa Practice)

How To Help The Dying and
Those Who Have Died

Day course with Gen Kelsang Chodor

When someone dies, although their body stays in this world and is buried or cremated, their mind goes to another life, rather like a bird leaving one nest to fly to another. With this basic understanding of rebirth, we can practise 'powa' to ensure that our loved ones find lasting peace. 'Powa' means transference of consciousness.

Through our loving prayers, we send or transfer the consciousness of someone who has recently died to a Pure Land of Buddha where they no longer experience any suffering. Our ability to help others to be reborn in a Pure Land depends upon the strength of our compassion and our reliance upon the Buddha of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara.

Discover this beautiful practice and the power of compassion and reliance upon holy beings such as Buddha Avalokiteshvara. No previous experience is necessary. Everyone is welcome.


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Half-day course ~ The Power of Mantra: Filling The Mind With Positive Energy

Half-day course ~ The Power of Mantra: Filling The Mind With Positive Energy

The Power of Mantra:
Filling The Mind With Positive Energy

Half-day course

Mantra literally means 'mind protection.' Mantra recitation is the supreme method to enhance the qualities of our body, speech and mind. For centuries, mantra recitation has been used to attain a peaceful, happy mind by filling the mind with positive energy and pacifying the negative thoughts that give rise to suffering.

In this course, we will learn the real meaning of mantra and receive instructions on how to engage in a special breathing meditation that combines mindfulness of the breath with the recitation of mantra. This is a simple yet powerful method to attain a peaceful, happy, and positive mind. Ultimately, it is a cause of the supreme permanent inner peace of full enlightenment.


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How to Live a Spiritual Life (Course)

How to Live a Spiritual Life (Course)

How to Live a Spiritual Life

Following the Buddhist Path of Going for Refuge
Half-Day Course with Gen Kelsang Thekchen

Living a spiritual life means solving our problems and finding happiness from within. To do this, we need to develop and maintain an experience of inner peace through spiritual practice – recognizing, reducing and eventually abandoning our negative disturbed states of mind and increasing our positive peaceful states. These positive, peaceful states of mind such as love, compassion and wisdom are our inner refuge.

In order to develop these spiritual realizations, Buddhists go for refuge to the Three Jewels: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. We first go for refuge to Buddha, a fully Enlightened being who teaches us how to train and inspire our mind. Dharma refers to Buddha’s teachings and the resultant inner spiritual realizations. Sangha are our spiritual friends who encourage us and show a good example for us to follow. This half-day course will explore these three sources of refuge, Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. By going for refuge to the Three Jewels, we will live a profound spiritual life.

This half-day course is introducing the annual refuge retreat happening from June 25th to 28th. Even though this retreat is part of the commitments of the Teacher Training Programme, it is suitable for everyone! Click here for more information on this retreat.

** Accommodation is available for this event. Please visit the Accommodation page for more information and to submit a request. **

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Public Talk - How to Be Happy

Public Talk - How to Be Happy

Public Talk: How to Be Happy

Ancient Buddhist Wisdom for Modern Times
with International Teacher & Buddhist Monk Gen Kelsang Samten

When things go wrong in our life and we encounter difficult situations, we tend to regard the situation itself as our problem. But, in reality, whatever problems we experience come from the mind. If we were to respond to difficult situations with a positive and peaceful mind, they would not be problems for us. Indeed, we may even come to regard them as challenges or opportunities for growth and development. Problems arise only if we respond to difficulties with a negative state of mind. Therefore, if we want to be happy all the time and to be free from problems, we must maintain and develop a peaceful mind.

The ancient wisdom of Buddha's teachings gives a refreshing perspective that encourages us to look at life differently. We can solve daily problems, find real inner peace and enjoy deep happiness from practicing these time-honoured meditations and transformative ways of thinking. This talk is open to everyone, Buddhists and non-Buddhists. Everyone is welcome!

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The Inner Wealth of Contentment

The Inner Wealth of Contentment

The Inner Wealth of Contentment

Enjoying life without craving
Half-Day Course with Gen Kelsang Thekchen

In our search for happiness, we often waste our time and energy changing our job, partner, home, situation, and trying many different things in hopes of finding contentment. However, we will never know real satisfaction until we change our restless, discontented mind.

On this half day course, Gen Thekchen will show us how to develop the lost art of contentment through Buddhist meditation, enabling us to find true inner peace. When our mind is free from distraction and cravings, we can experience its natural stillness, allowing us to enjoy every moment of our life, regardless of the external situation.

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Dealing with Difficult People

Dealing with Difficult People

Dealing with Difficult People

Transforming our Relationships with Loving-Kindness
Half-Day Course

Interacting with people is such a big part of our lives. So often our priorities differ, our opinions clash, conflicts can build and we can feel like the other person is the cause of our stress and misery.

Buddha explains some clear methods for taking control of our feelings, realizing that we can change our relationships with others by changing the way we view them. We will explore some powerful meditations to enable us to respond to more effectively to ‘difficult’ people. Practising and becoming familiar with these meditations provides us with the freedom to be at peace regardless of how others behave.

** Accommodation is available for this event. Please visit the Accommodation page for more information and to submit a request. **

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How to Transform your Life

How to Transform your Life

How to Transform your Life

A blissful journey
Sunday morning weekly class

Every living being has the same basic wish – to be happy and to avoid suffering. Happiness and suffering do not exist outside of our mind. They are feelings, which are parts of our mind. If we want to experience real lasting happiness and be free from suffering, we must learn to develop and maintain an experience of inner peace.

These classes give easy-to-follow methods to fulfil this deepest of wishes. Through practising the meditations and special methods explained, we can bring about positive changes in our lives that will enable us to experience the deep and lasting happiness we all long for.

Although taught as a series, each class is self-contained and can be attended individually. Each class will be followed by complimentary refreshments and the opportunity to ask questions. Everyone is welcome!

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Meditations for Healing Ourself & Others

Meditations for Healing Ourself & Others

Meditations for Healing Ourself & Others

The Practice of Taking and Giving
Day Course with Gen Kelsang Thekchen

This ancient meditative practice is the best way to transform all types of difficulty such as pain, illness, anxiety into an opportunity to strengthen our inner peace, love and compassion. Taking and giving is a beautiful, profound method to transform our personal problems and the sufferings in this world into the very means for experiencing love, joy, compassion and wisdom. This practice brings mental peace and happiness, increasing our spiritual strength and capacity to overcome challenges while developing the supreme good heart of a Bodhisattva.

This day course will explore practical ways to use the meditations on imagining taking on the suffering of others and giving love to others. We can apply this when we are suffering, or when others we care about are suffering. We can apply this in formal meditation and in daily life. This course is suitable for everyone, regardless of experience. Everyone is welcome!

** Accommodation is available for this event. Please visit the Accommodation page for more information and to submit a request. **

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